How to Avoid and Treat Foot Injuries
Our feet are incredible tools that help us with every type of movement, from walking to running. Which is why we need to make sure we treat them right. It is important to both prevent harm where we can, and know the best way to treat them when it happens.
- Since the foot is full of tiny ligaments, warming up the foot prior to any increased activity is crucial.
- Choose the right shoe. Shoes were made to protect your feet, but the support they offer is key to a healthy foot.
- Avoid uneven surfaces. None of us are as surefooted as we once were, and we certainly don’t heal as fast as we used to. There is always another way around.
- Listen to your body. If you start to feel discomfort of any kind don’t ignore it. Try and understand what your body is telling you and what you can do to resolve it before it becomes a much larger issue.
- Ice it. Before you even ponder whether or not it’s a sprain or a break, ice down the injured area early and often. Doing so will help reduce the swelling and recovery time, so be sure to ice it for 15 minutes, three times a day for the first few days after the injury occurs.
- Rest it for at least 24 hours. During that 24 hour time period, make an appointment to see the podiatrist, who can determine how bad the injury really is. If the injury is not severe, use crutches after 24 hours and begin to gradually use your foot without putting all of your weight on it.
- Raise it while you rest. Foot up = swelling down. Put your foot on a couple pillows, or borrow a couple cushions from the couch to keep swelling down while you sleep.
- Compress it. Wrap an elastic bandage around the affected area to keep the foot in place and prevent any further spraining or bruising.
- Get moving. You’ll want to get moving as soon as the pain begins to subside in order to prevent muscle atrophy. Avoid any activity that requires heavy use of the foot until bruising, pain, and other symptoms are through.
This is general information and not meant to be taken as medical advice. Always seek advice from a certified medical professional before starting any treatment plan.
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Made in USA
Handcrafted in Buford, GA, we're proud to be in the remaining 1% of US footwear manufacturers in the United States.

Our material is vegan, cruelty-free, and 100% recyclable. Scraps and non-saleable returns are turned into new product.

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Our sandals will not shrink and the colors will not fade, no matter how often you wash them. Bye, germs!